The Weekly Thread: try this after sun care hack, at home workouts to get strong & bendy, and don’t let the soul die first.

Summer is now in full swing, which naturally means the risk of overexposure to the sun is at its peak. 

I’ve dedicated a few recent issues of “The Weekly Thread” to using scientifically backed research to encourage you to make more of a committed effort to get dedicated time outside, exposed to the natural sunlight during these warmer summer months, however, inevitably, there is always the risk of overexposure, which varies from person to person. 

I’ve written extensively in this weekly newsletter blog about the benefits of sunlight exposure, and it’s definitely worth soaking up as much of those warm cosmic rays as possible this time of year for your overall mental, emotional, and physical health. 

However, everyone’s tolerance to the sun is different, which also means the rate at which one gets to the point of overexposure to the sun also varies from person to person. 

That said, it’s beneficial for everyone to increase their overall level of positive responsiveness to natural sunlight exposure. 

The more easily you tan, is typically a response as to how adept your body is at producing D3, an endogenous hormone that is super effective at boosting your immunity, improving hormone levels, and has been linked to decreased risk of many diseases, including cancer, dementia/Alzheimer’s, and autoimmunity. 

Furthermore, we do produce energy at the cellular level through natural sunlight exposure to our naked skin through biophotons. 

And this is all on top of the positive hormonal and endogenous chemical response we have to natural sunlight exposure, which is why we just feel better both physically and mentally when it’s warm and sunny out. 

In short, it’s in all of our best interest for our health to get as much natural sunlight exposure as possible, especially during these warm summer months, at a healthy level, which as I mentioned above, does vary from person to person. 

Someone who burns easily and whose default is to apply sunblock before they even step outside may only be able to handle 15-20 minutes of sunlight exposure before they start to burn. 

And that’s fine. 

If you decide to run a marathon but haven’t even run a mile in 5 years, you don’t start by trying to run 26 miles the next day. 

No, you begin by running a half mile, then a mile, then two miles, and so on as you condition your body better. 

Conditioning yourself to natural sunlight exposure if needed, should have the same approach. 

Remember, the goal is more, unadulterated sunlight exposure, and “more” is different for everyone. 

If you currently get none essentially, even 10 minutes is more. 

And 20 minutes then, is more than that. 

Myself, through this process of exposure, and adequate after sun care (which is my hack I will share with you) now can spend hours outside, and I never wear sunblock. 

I may get a little red and slightly tight after say, a full day on the lake in 90 degree heat with lots of sun, but I recover quickly from it. 

Which means hours and hours of receiving all of the wonderful health benefits of the natural sunlight, without suffering any damage to my skin from a serious sunburn. 

Okay, off my soapbox, and commencing with my after sun care protocol and hack.

After any time outside with extended exposure to the sun, (and I do this all the time, even though I don’t really burn, as this all helps with recovery and conditioning) I immediately take a 3-5 minute ice cold shower, which, even if you’re not used to ice cold showers, should feel good after all the sunlight exposure. 

Then I apply a layer of high-potency CBD cream to my most affected areas like neck, shoulders, ears, and face.  Once that is fully absorbed, I’ll apply another layer, and then repeat again even at times. 

If you are treating a sunburn, even a more mild one, I’d make sure to apply at least 3 layers that night before bed. 
That’s it. 

Let’s unpack the “why” of this after sun care protocol

I first want to preface that this protocol is not directly science backed, and is anecdotal, so there is no direct research I will link to regarding this protocol. 

That said, the thought process behind this protocol is science backed, and this protocol has been tested numerous times not just on myself, but my wife (who does burn more easily), and others. There is ample research backing the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties of CBD, as well as the many other therapeutic properties of CBD. 

When you are outside being exposed to natural sunlight, any exposed skin is quite literally soaking up those cosmic rays. 

This is actually where a suntan and/or sunburn occurs. 

Your skin develops a tan when melanin is released to begin reflecting the sun, and is a sign your skin is responding positively to the sun. 

If your body is adept at producing D3 from natural sunlight, it will be more likely to respond by developing a tan, as the release of melanin is a response that your body has adequate levels of D3, and thus, begins reflecting the sun. 

Oftentimes, you burn due to lower D3 levels.

If you have lower D3 levels, when your skin gets exposed to natural sunlight, the amazing, natural combination that produces this incredible immune boosting, disease fighting hormone called D3, it soaks up all those cosmic rays with a reckless abandon. 

As a result, you soak up too much sun too fast before a proper, healthy melanin response has a chance to kick in, and as a result, you burn from the sun’s natural radiation. 

Regardless of whether or not you tan easily, or have a tendency to burn, if you are out with exposed skin, you are undoubtedly soaking up those warm cosmic rays from the sun, which will cause your skin temp to rise for some time. 

This is where the ice cold shower comes in, and especially if you’ve burned. 

**Again, I use this protocol after any extended day outside in the sun, even if I develop a healthy tan, as your skin is a large excretory organ, and it’s important to care for it. 

Simply put, the ice cold shower is going to cool the skin temp down, and if you’ve burned, that can help spur the healing process more quickly. 

The idea is to treat a sunburn like an injury and to care for it accordingly. 

Then comes the generous applications of a high-potency CBD cream to the affected area(s), or general areas of extended sun exposure for the day. 

CBD is probably nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory and pain relieving molecule, and it works very well as a topical. 

If you think about a sunburn, it’s not really until you’re sleeping that night and then the day(s) after where you really feel it. If we felt how bad it was going to hurt while it was happening, we’d be better equipped at staying on top of it during the day. 

But that’s not how it works. 

How many times have you, or someone you know gotten sunburn, and someone else takes a look at it and says “that’s going to hurt”. 

It’s not immediate. It’s almost like a sunburn has to “set”. 

Well, the goal is to get on top of it before it “sets”, and the most important thing you can do is quell the inflammation from the injury to your skin. 

This is why we hit, and keep hitting the affected area(s) with generous applications of CBD Cream after we’ve cooled the skin down with an ice cold shower. 

After the ice cold shower, apply a generous amount of CBD Cream to the affected area(s) and rub it in deeply. 

Allow to fully absorb, and then reapply in maybe 30 minutes. 

You can do this multiple times before going to bed depending on the severity of the sunburn.

For me, I’ll typically just apply a single, generous application after a day in the sun, and twice if I feel a bit of tightness in an area that I want to more specifically treat. 

Do this all before you go to bed, and the sunburn has a chance to really “set”, and you will dramatically increase your recovery time, decrease the level of injury to your skin, and of course, reduce the short term pain and discomfort associated with the sunburn. 

This dramatic reduction in inflammation at the affected area(s) will also then reduce risk of serious or more permanent damage (if the sunburn is severe), which then reduces risk of skin cancer or abnormalities developing down the road.

At Home Workouts

Over the last couple months I’ve been outlining specific functional movements that are great at helping you “get strong & bendy” as I like to say. 

This week culminates by putting it all together in the form of some at home workouts that are beneficial for all ages. 

If you want to go back and review any of the previous weeks, click the respective week’s link below:

Week 1: The “Squat

Week 2: The “Hip Hinge

Week 3: The “Press”

Week 4: The “Pull”

Week 5: The “Lunge”

Week 6: The “Carry”

Everything I outlined in these segments (with video tutorial links) are movements that require no more than a single kettlebell, and can be done anywhere, and do not need to be part of an actual exercise regimen. 

If not part of an exercise regimen, just work these movements into your life and day throughout the week, as when put together over time, they will build functional strength, increase mobility, and boost your metabolism. All things that will benefit you tremendously as you age. 

In fact, many days, I’ll split a workout like I’m about to share with you up into a few mini “movement snacks” which are great for keeping energy and metabolic levels high throughout the day. 

These movements are ideal for kids and young teens to work on specific mobility and reduce risk of injury in sports, all the way up to the eldest of adults, and everyone in between.

So let’s put this whole “getting strong & bendy” thing together with some samples of at home workouts: (I’ve linked to tutorials of all movements)


Suitcase Carry (Band not necessary, just grip at handle)
Bodyweight Squats 
Single Arm Floor Press
Suitcase Deadlifts
High Pulls
Racked Front Lunge


Single Arm Overhead Carry
Goblet Squats
Single Arm Overhead Press
Kettlebell Swings
Split Stance Rows
Racked Reverse Lunges

For these workouts, perform 3-4 sets per movement, and your rep range will vary based upon your kettlebell weight. 

You can literally do all of these movements and subsequent workouts with just one kettlebell, however, you’ll have to adjust your rep range per set, accordingly to accommodate for movements where you are stronger and movements where you are less strong. 

For example, you may need to do 12 reps per set for Goblet Squats to work to exhaustion, but then only need to do 6-8 reps per set for Single Arm Floor Press. 

I have 3 total kettlebells at home (although I’m buying a fourth heavier one) and do all of these movements with just the 3 kettlebells of different weights. 

If you are more of a beginner, don’t hesitate to begin a lot of these lower body movements with just your bodyweight.

“It’s a shame for the soul to be first to give way in this life, when your body does not give way.”

-Marcus Aurelius

Ponder on this. 

The soul is what gives us life. 

It’s a supernatural energy that we know when we see and feel it. 

Whatever it is for you, do what keeps your soul fulfilled and ALIVE.