The Weekly Thread: sparkle more for your health, squat for life, and the upside of embracing discomfort today.

Information transfer is a fundamental part of life. 

Growing research has shown our cells and DNA use biophotons to store and communicate information. It appears that biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer. 

What is a biophoton?

A biophoton refers to an extremely weak electromagnetic wave or particle of light emitted by living organisms, including plants, animals, and humans. The term “biophoton” is derived from the words “bio” (meaning life) and “photon” (a basic unit of light). Biophotons are believed to be emitted as a result of various biological processes occurring within cells and tissues.

We cannot see these biophotons with the naked eye, however, turn out the lights, and with the right camera, you can see, we all sparkle. 

Understanding more about the role of biophotons and why this is important to our health.

Sunlight contains a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared light. Some studies suggest that certain wavelengths of light, particularly in the visible and UV ranges, may have an influence on biophoton emissions and cellular processes. It is hypothesized that exposure to sunlight might affect the generation, propagation, or detection of biophotons in some way, potentially influencing cellular communication.

Here’s a quick rundown of what the early research in this area is telling us:

Researchers have conducted experiments that suggest biophotons are involved in intercellular communication. For instance, studies have observed the emission and transmission of biophotons between cells and tissues, indicating a potential means of cellular signaling.

Various studies have shown that different cells and tissues emit characteristic patterns of biophotons. These patterns can change under different physiological or pathological conditions, indicating a potential link between biophoton emissions and cellular processes.

Advanced techniques such as photon counting and imaging methods have allowed scientists to detect and measure biophotons emitted by living organisms. These observations provide empirical evidence for the existence of biophotons and their potential significance.

Light therapy and photobiomodulation, which involve exposing cells or tissues to specific wavelengths of light, have shown promising results in various areas of health and healing. While the mechanisms are not yet fully understood, some researchers speculate that the effects might be mediated, at least in part, through biophotonic interactions.

Finally, it is well accepted that at the core of the central nervous system (CNS) is bioelectricity (yes, we run on biologically produced electricity), which is responsible for many primary functions of the CNS. However, many of the higher functions and mental activities of the brain still cannot be explained such as perception, learning and memory, emotion, and consciousness.

Recently, both experimental evidence and theoretical speculation have suggested that biophotons may play a potential role in neural signal transmission and processing, contributing to the understanding of the high functions of nervous system.


It is undeniable that human beings emit weak, organic light waves called biophotons. Typically, the way the human body works, is that everything serves a purpose. The research and study of the interaction of biophotons and their role in cellular communication is early and still growing, however, it certainly seems to point to a strong correlation. 

On average, it is estimated that the human body contains 40 trillion cells. 

These cells serve all kinds of different purposes and as parts of different tissues such as blood, bone, muscle, kidney, heart, brain, and so much more. 

If biophotons play a role, quite possibly a significant role in making all 40 trillion of these cells communicate with each other, then biophotons play a critical role in every single process in the body. 

Get Your Sunlight

We also know that natural sunlight, when connected to the human body, increases biophoton production and activity. 

This could mean that natural sunlight acts as a natural battery charge of sorts that jumpstarts the communication of all 40 trillion of these cells. 

We already know that natural sunlight exposure is critical to the production of D3, an immune boosting, disease fighting hormone that the human body produces endogenously. It could very well be possible that biophotons not only play a role in this, but also a role in many more processes that can positively impact and benefit our long term health and wellness. 

There’s a strong chance we’re just at the beginning stages of really starting to unpack why natural sunlight is so beneficial to our health.

Movement #1: SQUAT

Over the course of the next seven weeks, this week included, I will outline the most important, critical movements to keep you functionally strong, mobile, and more metabolically fit as you age. 

All of these movements can be done with a single kettlebell, which I will discuss and demonstrate with video examples, and are ideal for everyone from young teenagers to the most senior of adults. 

These movements do not need to be done with heavy weight, as I mentioned, just a single kettlebell will do for all. I personally work these movements into my dedicated weight training regimen at the gym, however, I also work them in with kettlebells, at lighter weights, as part of my morning core, mobility, and light strength workouts I do to help jumpstart my body for the day. 

Why Squats?

Squats are a compound movement (works multiple muscles and joints at once), which will be a common theme throughout this segment. 

Here are some key benefits to the squat and why you should incorporate this movement into your life. 

1. Strengthening the lower body. Squats primarily target the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Regular squatting helps build strength and endurance in these muscle groups, leading to improved leg and lower body strength.

2. Enhancing core strength. Squats engage the core muscles, including the abdominal muscles and lower back. As you perform squats, your core muscles work to stabilize the body and maintain proper form. This helps strengthen the core and can contribute to better posture and stability.

3. Increasing overall functional strength. Squats are a functional movement pattern that mimics activities like sitting down, standing up, and lifting objects from the ground. By performing squats, you improve your ability to perform these daily activities with greater strength and efficiency. This is especially important as you age.

4. Improving athletic performance. Squats are a fundamental exercise in many sports and athletic activities. They help develop explosive power, speed, and agility, making them beneficial for athletes involved in activities such as running, jumping, or lifting. That said, we can all benefit from improving the aforementioned desired athletic traits. Being more explosive, quicker, more agile in your daily life will reduce overall risk of injury, and help you keep up with young kids, grandkids, the dog, and in all leisurely activities requiring movement. 

5. Boosting bone density. Squats are a weight-bearing exercise that puts stress on the bones, stimulating them to become stronger. Regular squatting can contribute to better bone density and reduce the risk of conditions like osteoporosis. Remember, the human body strengthens through focused stress. This is true for your immune system, your brain, your muscles, and yes, your bones. 

6. Burning calories and promoting weight loss. Squats engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This leads to increased calorie expenditure during and after the exercise, more so than cardio, making squats an effective component of a weight loss or maintenance program.

Implementing Squats Into Your Life

I do multiple types of squats at the gym, most common being a barbell squat. If you go to, or have access to a gym, I do recommend this. 

However, I am going to focus on ways to seamlessly incorporate squats into your home life, as they can also be part of your core, strength, and mobility movements done at home. 

  • Bodyweight Squats: These squats are done with no weight other than bearing your own body weight. Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps of these 3-4 times per week. CLICK HERE to watch a quick tutorial.


  • Goblet SquatsThis is a squat that can be done with a single dumbbell or kettlebell, and is a movement I typically do 2x per week. Get yourself a single kettlebell at home, at a weight ideal for you, and do 3-4 sets at 10-12 reps, 1-2 times per week. CLICK HERE to watch a quick tutorial. 

Again, you can make a more concerted effort to work these movements into your workout regimen,or just simply make a point of executing these movements more at home. If you have 5 free minutes, make more of a point to knock out a few sets of body weight or goblet squats. These small, incremental additions to your life, when compounded over time, will have profound effects on your overall long term health and wellness.

Embracing discomfort today; will bring future rewards.

What are you doing today that your future self and family will thank you for? 

We now live in a world of abundance, where we can actually be proactive in planning for the future, and thinking about it. 

Our ancestors were not so lucky. 

10,000 years ago, they were more worried about not getting eaten by a Sabre Tooth Tiger than they were about considering their long term health and wellness. 

Even as little as 100 years ago, most Americans were farming mostly for subsistence. 

As a result, it’s not hard-wired in our DNA to consider how our current actions affect our future both negatively and positively. 

So it requires more self awareness, more personal accountability. 

Focus on small victories for the day, that’s all you can do. 

Be okay with delaying gratification. 

As discussed above, small, incremental improvements and positive decisions, compound over time to create tremendous long term benefits. 

Be more critical with yourself with whom and where you place your energy, try intermittent fasting or eating a little less, take 30 minutes to yourself and go for a walk to clear the mind, do more squats. 

Your future self and loved ones will thank you.