Naturally harness the power of GLP-1 for weight loss and longevity, the brains of SuperAgers, and turn the page on yesterday.
Let’s first do a real quick review on what GLP-1 is and its role in the body.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone that plays a central role in regulating blood glucose levels and energy balance. It is produced by specialized L-cells located in the lining of the distal small intestine and colon in response to nutrient ingestion. When released into the bloodstream, its aim is to maintain metabolic homeostasis.
Primarily, GLP-1 enhances glucose-dependent insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells, which aids in lowering postprandial blood glucose levels. In parallel, it suppresses the secretion of glucagon from pancreatic alpha-cells, further contributing to the regulation of blood sugar. In short, through multiple pathways, it can help regulate blood sugar, in higher levels, quite substantially.
Improved blood sugar regulation and disposal of excess blood glucose truly is at the heart of improving one’s metabolism and thus, their ability to burn stored body fat with a greater propensity, as well as reducing risk of pretty much all disease.
Additionally, GLP-1 slows gastric emptying, which helps moderate the rate of nutrient absorption and promotes a feeling of fullness. This satiety effect can lead to reduced food intake, thereby also supporting weight management.
If you haven’t read my previous segments on GLP-1 and want to catch up, or need a review, check out Demystifying GLP-1 and Going beyond weight loss with GLP-1s
Harness the Power of GLP-1 Naturally by Producing & Secreting More of this Beneficial Hormone
GLP-1 is a hormone I have been paying attention to now personally for a few years if not longer, due to its ability to regulate blood sugar as that is at the core of healthy cellular metabolism, which yes, keeps your metabolism running higher (and who doesn’t want that?), but also, the more you maintain healthy cellular metabolism, the more vital your cells stay, and healthy cells, full of vitality, that are metabolically efficient, are not diseased or disease prone cells.
I have a supplement stack, some of which I’ve written about before, that I take to maximize endogenous GLP-1 production and secretion in the body.
✔️ Hydroxyberberine & InnoSlim™️
There are some natural plant & herb extracts that are highly effective at helping to curb appetite and more effectively regulate blood sugar, through multiple pathways, one of which is increasing secretion of GLP-1 in the. Intestines and colon.
Not only do these extracts not have any side effects, but they actually have profound anti-aging and disease preventive properties, and are known as “fasting mimickers” for their ability to recreate the benefits from fasting on our cells just from taking them.
Furthermore, one of these extracts, Berberine, is an amazing molecule that has also been shown in clinical research to reduce plaque buildup in your arteries significantly better than statins.
Activates AMPK (Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase) An enzyme often called the “metabolic master switch.” AMPK regulates energy metabolism and glucose uptake. When activated, AMPK increases glucose uptake in cells and improves insulin sensitivity, helping to lower blood sugar levels. This is the “fasting mimicked” part of the aforementioned molecules, as AMP-K is increased during periods of fasting as well.
Increases Insulin Sensitivity By improving insulin receptor sensitivity, the active ingredients make it easier for cells to respond to insulin. This allows more glucose to enter cells from the bloodstream, lowering blood sugar levels. Some of this is a byproduct of increased GLP-1 in the bloodstream.
Reduces Gluconeogenesis in the Liver Berberine and InnoSlim™️ inhibit enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, the process by which the liver produces glucose. By reducing the liver’s glucose output, they help keep blood sugar levels more stable.
Slows Carbohydrate Digestion Berberine and InnoSlim™️ slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, helping to prevent sharp spikes in blood sugar after meals. This is a direct result of increased GLP-1 secretion in the intestines and colon.
Lowers Blood Lipids Berberine is also known to help regulate lipid metabolism, reducing triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Improved lipid levels can contribute to better overall metabolic health, which supports blood sugar regulation, and reduces risk of heart disease. As mentioned above, Berberine (I use the more highly bioavailable version “hydroxyberberine”) has been shown in actual clinical research to be far more effective at reducing plaque buildup in the blood vessels than statin drugs (which can also come with a host of gnarly side effects).
I wrote a pretty extensive segment on the magical molecule Berberine a couple years ago.
✔️ Probiotics
GLP-1 is technically produced by L-cells in your intestines and colon, however, Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) produced by your gut bacteria directly influence the L-cells production of GLP-1 as SCFAs essentially act as the “building blocks” of GLP-1.
This interplay between your gut microbiome and hormone regulation is nothing new, and to be honest, we’re probably just cracking the surface on just how much of our hormones are regulated through the gut-brain axis. In fact, did you know that 90% of your serotonin is produced in the gut, not the brain!?
SCFAs are known as “postbiotics”, and also help produce ketones which increase fat metabolism, reduce systemic inflammation, and aid in cellular regeneration in a process known as “autophagy”.
In short, a healthy gut microbiome is one of the most important parts, if not the most important part of your overall functional health, and as mentioned, we’re probably just cracking the surface on this subject.
I’ve begun using a new product called Probiotic+ from Qualia, which is a symbiotic formula.
Symbiotic: A Combination of Prebiotics, Probiotic Spores, & Postbiotics
A “symbiotic” formula contains specific prebiotics to help with the production of key probiotic species that do not take to the gut in supplemental form (even in a spore state), so you must eat foods that contain them and/or supplement with these specific prebiotics that help your body produce them naturally.
One of which is Akkermansia, a keystone probiotic that has been linked to living a much longer, disease free life. I dedicated an entire segment to Akkermansia a month ago if you want to check it out.
Akkermansia aids in overall longevity in many ways, however, one of which is.its contribution to a gut microbiome that aids in the production of these oh so important short-chain fatty acids needed to produce GLP-1.
Qualia Probiotic+ also contains probiotic spores which are probiotic species that are in a spore state. This breakthrough in probiotic supplementation is huge.
When a bacteria is in a spore state, it’s in a dormant state because it’s in an inhospitable environment. The spore state preserves the bacteria until it once again finds itself in a more hospitable environment.
Bacterial spores can survive in space.
In fact, recently they discovered a new bacterial species that was in a spore state in a cave that they think could be beneficial as a probiotic. They estimated the bacteria was over 4 million years old, and they were still able to bring it back to life out of its spore state.
Why are spores so important for supplementation?
As I mentioned above, the research and use of probiotic spores in supplementation is an absolute game changer.
Previously, probiotic supplements worked similarly to their counterparts, “antibiotics”.
You supplement with them, they run their course in the body, with most probiotic supplements having a lifespan of 24 hours to up to 3 weeks in the gut depending on your diet and lifestyle, and then die and are passed on.
So they are just that, a supplement, and they do not repopulate, or “re-seed” your gut with new, living populations.
You get the benefits of them as long as you are supplementing with them, but they are doing nothing to actually produce new, living bacteria, and thus, do not impact your actual populations of gut bacteria once you do not supplement with them.
Probiotic spores on the other hand, enter the gut through supplementation in their dormant spore state, but because the gut is an ideal home for these species, they leave their dormant spore state in the gut, and make your gut their new home.
Once this process has taken place, these are actual living, reproducing species of new bacteria in your gut, that will contribute to increased populations of their species in your gut, thus, actually “re-seeding” your gut.
You can see why this is such a big breakthrough.
Finally, a symbiotic formula doesn’t necessarily contain “postbiotics” as a “postbiotic” is a byproduct actually produced in the gut from specific probations.
A “symbiotic” is formulated to contain key prebiotics and specific species of probiotic spores that produce many of these longevity inducing “postbiotics”, some of which are these SCFAs.
The GLP-1 Stack

Some form of Berberine, or as mentioned, I use “Hydroxyberberine”, which is just a more bioavailable form.
InnoSlim™️, which is a patented extract of Ginseng and Astragalus, so if you see the ™️ logo of any kind with InnoSlim, you know you’ve got the right stuff.
Then finally, a probiotic spore supplement, or even more ideally, a symbiotic supplement as described above.
To view my personal stack online, CLICK HERE.

The distinct psychophysiology of ‘SuperAger’ brains
The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Mesulam Center of Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease is collecting data for their ‘SuperAging Research Program’.
Data collected from ‘SuperAgers’ has been used to provide insights into how the brains of these adults compare to those of generally healthy adults and those afflicted with Alzheimer’s.
What is a ‘SuperAger’?
The researchers at Northwestern define a ‘SuperAger’ as an adult over the age of 80 with a superior memory capacity that resembles that of middle aged adults. To be considered a ‘SuperAger’, the individual must show an ability to recall everyday events and previous personal experiences better than typical adults in their 50s and 60s.
The ‘SuperAger’ brain.
Through the study of the brains of ‘SuperAgers’, researchers gain a better understanding of how different aging processes are reflected in the brain. Furthermore, researchers believe the data from the study will have a tremendous impact on understanding the mechanisms responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
While living, the ‘SuperAgers’ participating in the study provide blood work, and have MRI and PET scans done on their brain. They also donate their brains to the research study when they pass.
Already, the study has revealed that the brains of the deceased ‘SuperAgers’ have thick cortexes that deteriorate much more slowly than those younger than them, in their 50s and 60s. The cortex is responsible for decision making processes, critical thinking, and retention and memories.
The entorhinal cortex, which is often the first part of the brain to be affected in Alzheimer’s, plays an important role in memory and learning.
‘SuperAgers’ brains also have less tau tangles. This is an abnormal protein in neurons, that when found in high amounts, is often indicative of Alzheimer’s.
This significantly reduced amount of tau tangles in the ‘SuperAger’ brain could be the reason for their more resilient, more robust cortex.
Von Economo neurons (VENs) are found in the fromto-insular cortex, and anterior lambic area. The true functional implications of VENs are not yet known, however, the high concentration of these cells indicates, that they likely play an important role in emotional regulation and attentiveness.
The brains of ‘SuperAgers’ exhibit a much higher concentration of VENs.
What have we learned already from studying the ‘SuperAger’ brain?
Some noteworthy, distinct correlations have been made that appear to be significant, with respect to the ‘SuperAger’ brain:
- They have a thicker, more resilient cortex
- Noticeably lower concentration of tau tangles
- Noticeably higher concentration of VENs
So how do I maintain a thicker, more robust cortex, and higher concentration of key neurons?
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in neuronal survival and growth, serves as a neurotransmitter modulator, and participates in neuronal plasticity, which is essential for learning and memory.
Therefore, increasing BDNF production in the body, could be effective at maintaining healthy, and even growing more robust neurons.
Qualia Mind is a research backed nootropic also designed to maintain, and enhance long term brain and cognitive health, and has been shown to improve BDNF.
The medicinal mushroom Lion’s Mane, that is popping up more and more for its benefits in daily use at improving mental acuity, may also help play a larger role in long term brain health, and the production of BDNF.
Furthermore, despite vastly different backgrounds, education levels, and personal experiences, ‘SuperAgers’ do share distinct similarities in how they live their everyday lives that are worth noting.
They remain active on all fronts into their 80s, both physically and mentally. Hearing this, probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise, however, knowing this correlation has now been drawn from the actual study of ‘SuperAger’ brains, should reinforce this sentiment.
They also maintain robust social lives, and stay close to, and surrounded by family.
Key Takeaways:
- Keep moving, and just walk more, everyday. Time and again, research shows that simply taking more steps in a day will help you not only live longer, but also with higher quality of life.
- Stay engaged. Keep working, even on projects, learning, and stimulating your mind, and thus, brain. Treat it like a muscle that needs to be trained.
- Stay active in your community, maintain strong relationships with friends and family, and find ways to develop new relationships.
Turn the page.
Yesterday doesn’t exist.
Parts of it may exist in your mind, and the minds of others, but ultimately, it’s now just a mere figment of our imagination.
We know this because with time, the reality of certain stories and anecdotes can grow and evolve in our minds.
It’s the idea of “The Fish Story” where every time someone tells the story of that “fish they caught” it somehow finds a way to get bigger and bigger.
Just how certain parts of our history can conveniently grow and evolve in our minds, you can also simply move on from less desirable parts, things you regret, and so on.
Every day is a new opportunity to effectively “turn the page”.
Today is reality, yesterday no longer exists.
Sure, learn from mistakes, learn why you regret certain things in your life, and then move on and officially turn the page.
Remember, yesterday is heavy; put it down.